I absolutely love herbs. They are my favorite discovery over the last several years. But I came to find out that my mother ,grandmother and great grandmother have been using herbs  for so long. Herbs that we use on a daily basis like peppermint, ginger root , eucalyptus. Herbal remedies have been in our family for centuries and a lot of the remedies still work. Although the quick fixes at the drug stores have made these remedies less popular.  

When I was younger and learning my body and finally in my early reproducing years I had recurring yeast infections. I would go to the drug store and pick up a Monistat 7, then they invented Monistat 3. I thought Yess half the time. These creams were so painful and they burn like sh*t. Bacterial vaginosis was no stranger either oh my gosh walking around smelling like a dumpster. The doctor would prescribe Metronidazole or Metrogel-Vaginal, and that would work until it didn’t. I searched online for natural home remedies. I tried yogurt, garlic, and even boric acid up my hoo ha. They never worked, the only home remedy that worked for BV was peroxide with water douche. I was bubbly, literally. 

The yoni is acidic and the ph balance can be difficult to understand. The yoni is a body part women have complications. How do we clean it, treat and prevent illness? Living in a man’s world ( blah) I’m so glad for female scientists that help us discover our yoni and wombs. I also appreciate the herbalist and medicine woman that helps us heal without the drugs and side effects of pharmaceuticals. 

Yoni steaming actually goes back to ancient Egyptian practices. There are said to be hieroglyphics of women sitting on hot pots. Steaming allows the herbs to absorb through the yoni aka vagina. Very similar to steaming the face with herbs for decongestion. I love the practice of yoni steaming for self care and healing. Honestly the hardest part about yoni steaming is setting the time aside and finding a comfortable yoni seat. I use a seat from ShopGirlish The seat is so easy and convenient. Girlish also provides herbs. Speaking of herbs, let’s get down to business. The best herbs for fibroids, cyst, and infections.

Yoni herbs for fibroids and cyst

Dong Quai-promote healthy menstrual cycles

Yarrow- treats wounds 

Calendula is antifungal and promotes healing to wounded tissue in the body. It’s also anti-inflammatory. 

Herbs for Urinary Tract Infections, and Yeast Infections

Chaparral- relieves pain and inflammation  

Pau D’Arco-anti candida 

Uti Urs-fights infection 

When I first started steaming I went and purchased an inexpensive pot from walmart. Yes, a regular cooking pot. I steep my herbs and let the water cool  and I took two chairs and placed the pot on the floor and I sat on the two chairs placed together. This was effective but not very comfortable. It was difficult to even write a journal entry which I recommend practicing  while you are steaming. I remember feeling super fresh and clean afterwards. I will tell you it feels very different, almost like you are wetting yourself because of the steam. Although it is a pleasant experience, it is very different.  

Take this list of herbs and go to your local herb store or online store and start your vaginal steaming practice. 

Disclaimer: Herbs are magical and are wonderful but i will mention just like any pharmaceutical the behavior that led to the illness must change. I recommend changing your diet from the foods that cause fibroids, yeast, and bacterial infections.  Food that contains lots of fiber weight with excess fat in the body and hydrates the body. Switching over to a whole food plant based lifestyle is when all my yoni issues stopped. Removing artificially flavored processed, sugar loaded foods was a game changer. Many women find that eating more fruits and vegetables makes them smell better and taste better hehe. All those feminine washes will no longer be needed. Need help schedule a consultation with me so we can talk about your yoni health.